Service Enhancements for JTA Bus Routes, First Coast Flyer Begin January 27, 2025 - Click here to read more.
closeAs a major provider of public transportation whose employees have extensive daily contact with the public, the Jacksonville Transportation Authority (JTA) recognizes its responsibility to the community which it serves and is committed to a policy of nondiscrimination. JTA works to ensure nondiscriminatory transportation in support of our mission to be the Northeast Florida leader in providing effective, coordinated and integrated multimodal transportation solutions to enhance the social and economic quality of life for all Jacksonville citizens.
Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, or national origin in programs and activities receiving Federal financial assistance. Specifically, Title VI provides that "no person in the United States shall, on the ground of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance." (42 U.S.C. Section 2000d). The Environmental Justice component of Title VI guarantees fair treatment for all people and provides for JTA, to identify and address, as appropriate, disproportionately high and adverse effects of its programs, policies, and activities on minority and low-income populations, such as undertaking reasonable steps to ensure that Limited English Proficiency (LEP) persons have meaningful access to the programs, services, and information the JTA provides.
Environmental Justice regulations are:
The responsibility for carrying out JTA’s commitment to this program has been delegated to the JTA’s Executive Director/CEO by the Board of Directors. The AVP — Office of Small Business & Community Impact is responsible for the day-to-day operations of this Program and will receive and investigate Title VI complaints that come through the complaint procedure. However, all managers, supervisors and employees share the responsibility for making JTA’s Title VI Program a success. Implementation of the Title VI Program is accorded the same priority as compliance with all other legal obligations incurred by the JTA in its financial assistance agreements with DOT.
Any individual who believes they have been denied the benefits of, excluded from participation in, or subject to discrimination on the grounds of their race, color or national origin may file a formal complaint with JTA. The individual may file an official Title VI complaint through the following means:
We encourage you to use our Title VI Complaint Form (Title VI Complaint Form en español) when making your complaint and provide the following information:
Complainants may also file their initial Title VI compliant directly to the FTA no later than 180 days after the date of the alleged discrimination.
All complaints will be investigated promptly. Reasonable measures will be undertaken to preserve any information that is confidential. The AVP — Office of Small Business & Community Impact or designee will review every complaint and begin the investigation process along with notifying JTA’s Investigation Manager. The investigation will include but not limited to:
Upon completion of the investigation, the AVP — Office of Small Business & Community Impact or designee will complete a final report. If a Title VI violation is found to exist, remedial steps as appropriate and necessary will be taken. The complainant will be kept abreast during the investigation process. Within reasonable ability, and notwithstanding circumstances that may impede the investigator’s ability to initiate and/or complete an inquiry, investigations will be completed within 15 days of their initiation. Matters resolved via alternative dispute resolution and which do not require a final investigation report are also considered “closed/completed” investigations.
If no violation is found and the complainant disagrees with that finding and wishes to appeal the decision, he or she may contact the FTA:
For more information about JTA's Title VI policy, please contact the AVP — Office of Small Business & Community Impact by any of the methods below.