
Customer Code of Conduct

JTA Rule No. 009

I. Purpose and Scope

This Code of Conduct for the Jacksonville Transportation Authority (JTA) helps you to acquaint yourself with our current standards of conduct and behavior. This code of conduct is applicable to all JTA transit services and/or facilities for your safety, security and comfort. The following rules are designed to preserve our customers’ right to free speech, while simultaneously ensuring the safety and comfort of all customers, operators and the public at large.

The Code of Conduct applies to all modes and means of JTA transportation, including but not limited to the following:

  • Transit buses, ReadiRide, Express Select, paratransit service, St. Johns River Ferry, and Skyway
  • Charter service/special services vehicles
  • Park and ride lots
  • Transit shelters and all other customer facilities

II. Rules of Transit

All customers are required to understand this “Code of Conduct for Transit Customers” to ensure that all JTA customers enjoy a comfortable ride.

  1. Please think of others and follow our no eating, drinking, or smoking (e-cigarettes included) policy on-board any JTA vehicle.
  2. Please do not open containers of food or drink. Not only is eating, drinking, or smoking (e-cigarettes included) prohibited on any JTA vehicle, this rule also helps us keep our vehicles clean and comfortable. 
  3. We are very protective of our customers, including you, so please don't use physical violence, profanity, intimidation, and/or harass other passengers or the operator. All of these actions are prohibited by JTA.
  4. Possession or consumption of illegal drugs is not allowed by law. 
  5.  To assure the safety of you, our operator and our customers, please remain behind the yellow line and minimize conversation with the operator. 
  6. Please remain seated and/or secure yourself until the vehicle comes to a complete stop.
  7. Panhandling, sales, or solicitation is prohibited on-board a JTA vehicle. The distribution of printed materials at JTA public facilities.
  8. The use of sound-generating electronic devices — like cell phones or portable disc players can only be used on our buses if you are using earphones. Conversations and other noises should be kept at a level that does not disturb other passengers or the operator.
  9. Possession of weapons or flammable materials is prohibited on JTA vehicles, transit shelters, and other JTA customer facilities. 
  10. All objects, such as strollers, should be folded prior to boarding and cannot block the aisle or stairway. 
  11. Appropriate clothing (shirt and shoes) is required to board the bus or visit customer facilities. 
  12. Operating or tampering with any JTA equipment is dangerous and prohibited.
  13. Children under six years or age must be accompanied by an adult or guardian 13 years of age or older. JTA employees are not allowed to accept responsibility for unaccompanied minors. 
  14. All animals are prohibited unless used as a service animal. 
  15. Vandalism or graffiti of JTA vehicles or property is illegal and therefore prohibited. 
  16. Congregating or loitering on a bus near the doorways and aisles or at a bus stop in a way that causes an inconvenience to to other passengers or blocks entry and exist to a bus is prohibited.
  17. Congregating or loitering on JTA customer facilities is strictly prohibited. 

III. Customer Courtesy

  • Please have the correct fare or mobile ticket ready when boarding. 
  • Please occupy only one seat and make room for other passengers. 
  • Please exit at the rear door to make room for the flowing of incoming passengers. 
  • Please consider offering your seat to the elderly or disabled passengers when possible. 
  • Please keep conversations and other noises to a minimum for the comfort of all JTA customers. 
  • Please allow customers in wheelchairs to board the bus first. 
  • Please reserve front seats for customers with disabilities. 

IV. Penalties

Persons who violate the Code of Conduct are subject to penalties, up to and including suspension of services. A range of penalties may be used to address non-compliance with the Code of Conduct. Non-compliance with the Code of Conduct may include one or any combination of the following:

  1. Verbal warning by transit operator or JTA supervisor to correct a customer’s non-compliance with JTA rules.
  2. Offensive conduct on the part of a JTA customer may require their removal from the transit vehicle or customer facilities. If a passenger is removed from a transit vehicle, the passenger is suspended from riding privileges on any JTA vehicle and from use of any JTA transit shelter or passenger facility for the remainder of the day. When a passenger is in violation of the Code of Conduct and is asked to leave a JTA vehicle, their fare is forfeited. If a suspended passenger is seen on another JTA vehicle or at a JTA transit shelter or other passenger facility during the suspension period, the passenger will be considered a trespasser and law enforcement will be contacted.
  3. A passenger may be suspended from all use of the JTA transit system for a determined period of time. A suspended passenger is not allowed to use any JTA vehicle or any JTA transit shelter or other passenger facility for the duration of the suspension period. When a passenger returns from a suspension, the returning passenger’s behavior will be closely monitored. If another incident of non-compliance with the Code of Conduct occurs, the passenger may be suspended for an additional period of time and/or have all JTA transit privileges permanently terminated.
  4. A passenger’s transit privileges may be permanently terminated for repeat offenses or for one major offense, including but not limited to physical threats, violence or disruptive behavior, which presents a safety hazard.

V. Florida Statutes

Please read and become familiar with the following State of Florida laws that can result in felony charges. They are created to protect all JTA services and employees.

Florida Statute 784.07 — Assault or battery of law enforcement officers, firefighters, emergency medical care providers, public transit employees or agents, or other specified officers; minimum sentences. Read the full statute.

Florida Statute 812.015 — Retail and farm theft; transit fare evasion; mandatory fine; alternative punishment; detention and arrest; exemption from liability for false arrest; resisting arrest; penalties. Read the full statute.

Florida Statute 856.021 — Makes it unlawful to loiter or prowl in a place and at a time or in a manner not usual for non-criminals which create a justifiable and reasonable alarm or immediate concern for the safety of persons or property in the vicinity. Read the full statute. 

Jacksonville, FL Code of Ordinance/TITLE XVI Judicial Code/Chapter 614/Section 614.106 — Loitering, soliciting, begging, etc. in public offices or building open to the public. Read full ordinance.

Jacksonville, FL Code of Ordinance/TITLE XVI Judicial Code/Chapter 614/Section 614.138 — Certain activates prohibited. Read full ordinance. 

VI. Publication

The Code of Conduct is available online at Hard copies of the Customer Code of Conduct are available without charge at JTA’s administrative office at 100 LaVilla Center Drive, Jacksonville, FL 32204, and at select JTA transit hub locations.

Current as of August 13, 2019