Service Enhancements for JTA Bus Routes, First Coast Flyer Begin January 27, 2025 - Click here to read more.
closeThe Jacksonville Transportation Authority (JTA) was recognized by the Transportation and Expressway Authority Membership of Florida (TEAMFL) with their prestigious Chairman’s award. JTA competed against other transit agencies across Florida. JTA was chosen for the Ultimate Urban Circulator (U²C) project.
Members of TEAMFL submitted transportation concepts that will impact transportation for Florida’s future travelers. Brad Thoburn, JTA’s Vice President of Planning, Development and Innovation made the presentation at TEAMFL’s annual meeting on May 4 & 5 in Orlando, Florida.
“We are honored to be recognized by TEAMFL for the Authority’s vision to modernize and expand the Skyway to be a system that has a dramatic effect on the future of the City,” said JTA Chief Executive Officer Nathaniel P. Ford Sr. “The U²C program will provide nothing less than enhanced mobility, connectivity, sustained economic growth and vibrancy for Jacksonville.”
TEAMFL was formed in 1997 to facilitate the exchange of information among toll agencies and the transportation industry. Members discuss statewide issues in an effort to develop high-quality roadway systems in all corners of the state. For more information, visit
For additional information about JTA services, please contact the JTA’s customer service line at (904) 630-3100; TDD (904) 630-3191 or visit