
JTA College Pass Program

College students ride JTA for free!

Need a ride to class? The JTA's College Student Annual Pass Program has you covered! Local students attending an accredited college or university can ride any JTA fixed route bus or First Coast Flyer route free of charge once your enrollment is confirmed. You must use an email address associated with a local accredited college or university and own a smart phone device.

How it works

  1. Visit Token Transit and complete the form
  2. Check your college/university email to redeem your pass
  3. Select "MyJTA" and then "Redeem Now"

That's it! Now you can ride with us free of charge!


Enrollment Status


Full Time

Ride for free!

Part Time

Ride for free!


Year Round; Enrollment status verification is required each year



For questions or concerns, please reach out to JTA Customer Service at (904) 630-3100. Customer Service hours are Monday-Friday from 5:30 a.m.. to 8:30 p.m. and Saturday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.