Service Enhancements for JTA Bus Routes, First Coast Flyer Begin August 26, 2024 - Click here to read more.
closeThe Jacksonville Transportation Authority is pleased to provide complete service to groups traveling to and from meetings, events and activities occurring in areas served by the Skyway.
The Skyway system is an important linkage in downtown, promoting mobility for work, lunchtime and special events and activities. JTA will work closely with the Visitors and Convention Bureau, Tourist Development Council; Chamber of Commerce, Downtown Development Authority, FCCJ, and City or State governments to accommodate requests on a case by case basis if the anticipated passenger usage is reasonable.
Monday-Friday: 6 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Saturday-Sunday: Special Events Only
Trips on the Skyway are complimentary.
Written requests for extended hours Monday through Saturday and special hours on Sunday must be made at least two weeks in advance and include the following:
Send your written requests to:
Manager of Skyway Operations
P.O. Drawer “O”
Jacksonville, FL 32203
It is important to know if large groups are moving at specific times and the approximate flow of riders throughout the requested hours to determine the service level required. The Skyway personnel will determine the routes, frequency and number of Skyway vehicles necessary to accommodate the request.
The Skyway is generally not available beyond midnight.
Skyway service generally will not extend weekend hours or provide Sunday service for groups less than 1000 people.
Skyway operations will extend beyond its normal hours for events coordinated in advance. Skyway Park-n-Ride spaces in several lots are available for community and charitable events of public interest after 7 p.m. week nights and on weekends.
Skyway service is generally increased for scheduled activities at the Prime Osborn Convention Center. Extended hours or weekend service for such activities must be made in advance.
Area hotels recruiting convention or group activities should not advertise or promote use of the Skyway beyond its normal operating schedule without previous approval from JTA. If extended hours are requested, hotels should advise groups to coordinate this request through the Visitors and Convention Bureau, Tourist Development Council or the Skyway Manager.